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Christopher Hatton


Breakfast club

Breakfast club runs from 8am in the School House and does not require booking. The cost  is £3.00 per child per day or, £1.00 if you are eligible for free school meals. 

After school clubs 

We provide a number of enrichment opportunities for our pupils after school. We have a wide variety after school provision available, these might change from term to term. To apply for an after school club click this link or speak to the office staff. We may sometimes need to create a waitining list if there are not enough places for those who want them

We require a commitment pay for ALL sessions in advance for a FULL TERM.  If you would like to cancel a club please complete the online cancellation form. 

Club cancellation form 

Pay for clubs online

After School Care

 Corams FieldsCorams Fields Logo

We also offer a free escort service to Coram’s After School Club, if you would like to use this service you will need to contact Coram’s directly to enrol your child with their service - 020 7837 6138

Click here for more information about Coram's 


From Monday 4th November YMCA will be offering after school care in our school house, it is called YMCA play club and is booked through their website not through the school.

There are 2 rates:

£12 from 3.30 til 6pm and £7.50 from 4.30pm til 6pm (your child can join the YMCA play club after a school club).

Pupils must be aged 5 years or older.

For information about how to book click here.

 Please find links to other local organisation that can provide after school care: