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Christopher Hatton

School Access Plan

The Equality Act of 2010 (chapter 4) sets outs the legal duty of schools to publish an accessibility plan with the following aims:

  • To increase access to the curriculum for children with disabilities
  • To improve the delivery of information to children with disabilities
  • To improve access to the physical environment of the school It is important to note that the law relating to disability differs slightly to that regarding other “protected characteristics”.

It is not enough to treat people with disabilities and those without disabilities equally, it is often necessary to treat disabled people more favourably so that equal benefit can be obtained from provisions on offer.

This plan has been produced to meet those legal requirements and should be read in conjunction with the School Development Plan, school Inclusion Policy and our Equality Policy and Plan (2023/25). It relates to current pupils and takes into account the needs of future pupils of the school. This access plan was written in consultation with the staff and governors and will be regularly monitored and reviewed by them. Definition of Disability as set out in The Equality Act 2010: A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term adverse effect on her or his ability to carry out normal day to day activities

Click here to see 2023/24 School Access Plan