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Christopher Hatton


The aim of our curriculum is to build the knowledge, skills and attitudes pupils need to become informed, articulate and empowered. Music is an important expression of creativity and culture; through our specialist music teaching we provide opportunities for pupils to reach a high standard in instrumental skills alongside an appreciation of music and the confidence to perform.

Children learn to sing and play tuned and un-tuned instruments from Nursery to Y3. In addition to instrumental and vocal work, children explore technology as a means of creating music.  

All children in Y4 have the opportunity to play an instrument starting with ukulele. These skills are built upon in Y5 and Y6 with all children progressing to guitar. Children learn musical notation, composition and musical appreciation.

Click here to find out more about Wider Opportunities in Christopher Hatton

Regular opportunities to perform in concerts and shows both individually and as a class enable children to grow as confident performers.

In addition to class music lessons, many children learn additional instruments through the Camden Music service provision.  For further information and how to apply, please see their website: https://www.camden.gov.uk/music-service-lessons-in-schools

On Tuesday 10 March the local authority hosted the Camden Schools’ Music Festival at the Royal Albert Hall.  Students from schools in the borough, both primary and secondary, were involved and  Hattoneers from Years 4,5, and 6 took part in this wonderful evening of music. Watch this lovely reminder of life before lock down a heartwarming performance from our talented young people....