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Christopher Hatton


How We Teach and Learn

We aim to ensure each child achieves their full potential, both personally and academically.

"There is a very positive atmosphere of close teamwork that permeates the whole school and enables the children to be supported and challenged exceptionally well."

We know that every child deserves the best possible start to their education. Our excellent teachers inspire children with exciting opportunities for learning.

The school is committed to the continuous development of our staff to ensure that the best professional practice underpins our drive for pupil success. 

"The quality of teaching and learning is outstanding. Teachers make sure that lessons are interesting by providing high quality activities that are pitched well to meet the learning needs of the different pupils."

Our expectations are high; children are supported and challenged to make rapid and sustained progress and to achieve high academic standards.

We recognise that children learn in different ways so teach in a variety of groupings and styles to ensure everyone is engaged and motivated.

We understand the importance of providing a caring, supportive environment in which positive self esteem can be fostered and high expectations nurtured by all.

"Teachers really care and listen when I need help."

Learning happens within and beyond the classroom; at Christopher Hatton we place a strong emphasis on trips, visiting experts and exploring the environment.

"Teachers expect us to always do our best. They make our lesson fun but it teaches you a lot too."


We are fortunate to be located within easy reach of a variety of interesting places which we use to enhance the curriculum and stimulate learning.

At Christopher Hatton we recognise the power of learning from peers. Our KS2 pupils are trained to work with pupil in KS1, either as a reading buddy or a maths buddy, they readily give up their lunchtimes to support younger pupils with their learning. Being a “study buddy” is a much sought-after position.

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How to help your child read