Our School
The school is organised into eight classes:
Early Years Foundation Stage EYFS: Nursery and Reception
Key Stage 1: Years 1 and 2
Key Stage 2: Years 3 to 6.
The School Day
Nursery 9.00am - 3.15pm
Reception 9.00am - 3.30pm
Key Stage 1: 9.00am - 3.30pm
Key stage 2: 8.55am - 3.25pm
The total time school is open in a typical week is 32.5 hours. We stagger the start and finish times to reduce over-crowding.
Start of the day
We currently provide free breakfast for all pupils thanks to a partnership with the charity Magic Breakfast.
Reception can eat breakfast in their classroom from 9am if they are too late for the dining hall service.
The main playground gates open at 8.45am and children in R - Y4 can eat breakfast in the lunch hall.
Y5 and Y6 enter and leave via the Laystall Street entrance and can eat breakfast in the lower playground from 8.30am.
End of the day
- Pupils in R - Y4 are taken to the main playground to be collected by their parents and Y5 and Y6 leave via the Laystall Street entrance.
Parent’s responsibility
- Parents should collect their child from the allocated area; this avoids confusion and congestion at collection points.
- Parents must inform their child’s class teacher and the office in advance if another adult is collecting your child. We will not be able to let another adult take your child without prior warning.
- Parents must phone the school office if they are delayed and will not be able to collect their child on time. On arrival the office staff will let you know which teacher is caring for late children. Please be on time for collection as teachers are very busy after school planning high quality lessons for your children.