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Useful Links

Christopher Hatton


If you are concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a child either in or out of school please talk to Clare the headteacher, who is the designated child protection lead for the school.  In emergencies contact the police for advice.

If there are any concerns about your child's safety a referral may be made to agencies who can provide help; you will be kept closely involved in this process, unless it is deemed unsafe to do so.

Useful resources to support you and your child to keep safe are available on the parent link section of our website.

We run regular internet safety workshops for parents; if you would like any advice on online safety please talk to Sarah or Clare.

The school governor with responsibility for safeguarding is David Head - he can be contacted via the school office.

Please click here to view our safeguarding policies.

Keeping Children and Young People Safe from Radicalisation and Extremism:
Advice for Parents and Carers

There have been many reports in the media recently of young people being targeted by adults and peers who hold extreme views that advocate violence. Some young people have been persuaded to leave the country in secret and against the wishes of their family, putting themselves in extreme danger as a result.

The attached leaflet explains what radicalisation and extremism are, the signs to look out for and where to get help if you need it.

The government has launched a website for parents and schools ‘Educate Against Hate’ www.educateagainsthate.com which provides useful information about radicalisation and extremism.

If you have any concerns please talk to your child’s teacher or to Clare

Keeping Children and Young People Safe from Radicalisation and and Extremism: Advice for Parents